Valuation of investment projects
Our established clients:

Our specialists accumulated broad experience in valuation of investment projects. Our recently completed large projects comprise:
- Within the frameworks of cooperation with CJSC HORUS CAPITAL, our Firm has valued multi-functional office centers’ investment projects (Lutch, Fabrika Stanislavskogo, Krugozor, Lefort, Avion, Gamma);
- Within the frameworks of cooperation with FC OTKRYTIYE, our Firm has valued the investment project of construction of a multi-functional investment project for Discovery Russian Realty Paveletskaya Project Ltd.
- Within the frameworks of cooperation with CJSC RTM Development, our Firm has valued several investment projects both in Moscow and in regions of the Russian Federation;
- Within the frameworks of cooperation with OJSC GLAVMOSSTROY, our Firm has valued several investment projects of construction in Moscow;
- Within the frameworks of cooperation with FSK LEADER, our Firm has valued several investment projects of construction in Moscow and the Moscow Region;
- As well as other projects.
1. Valuer’s fee amount will depend on:
Yes, it is true that the fee amount due for our services varies. We valued different investment projects and our fees were different, too, and ranged from RUR50,000 to RUR500,000 which may be attributed to the impact certain factors may have:
- Size of your project;
- Availability of a project’s business plan or technical and economic assessment;
- Business travel required;
- Special requirements of a credit institution or auditors (in case the report will be submitted to the bank or auditors for revision);
- Defense of the report before a supervisory required.
In case of an investment project, no single pricelist is applied similar to that available for the projects of valuation of an apartment or non-living premises. Investment projects differ to a great extent, from the development of the deposit, construction of multifunctional complexes, civil construction, introduction of the technological complex into the production, opening of the trading network, arrangement of the hotel business, etc., and so is the range of the valuer’s fee. The core here is the complexity of the project and the required in-depth insight into the engagement.
2. What documents you should submit?
Again, the investment projects are different and so no unified list of the necessary documents exists. And where it exists, why you waste your time to gather excessive information...
Generally you should know the following:
- What is the essence of the investment project?
- What are its key technical and economic characteristics?
- Do you expect any borrowed funds attracted and on what conditions?
- Planned project deadlines (планируемые сроки реализации проекта (a timetable if any).
We will be able to generate a list of required documents tailored under your investment project after we obtain the introductory data from you.
3. What is a rough estimate of your business?
There cannot be a definite answer to this question. The model of cashflows from the realized investment project is developed individually for each new investment project. Also there are no software products in Excel that could allow for a qualified approximation. Besides, the final estimate is under the impact of many factors such as:
- Market factors that require an in-depth analysis;
- Financial and economic indicators which demonstrate a steady dynamics;
- Regional factors and those of location;
- Analysis of the competitive environment;
- Individual characteristics of a specific business.
All the above means that a professional valuer will never estimate its work roughly, as the preliminary estimation requires qualification, experience, knowledge and is time consuming.
4. How much time will be required to value the investment project?
Generally speaking, the investment project may be valued from 1 business week to 4 business weeks, which depends on the complexity of your project characteristics.
It is a noteworthy fact that if you are pressed in time and it is necessary to obtain a valuation report in 2 or three days then it will be possible provided that:
- You deliver information to us within the shortest possible time. Often a failure to do this has an adverse effect on the valuation term. The client urgently needs the report but the client’s accounting officegathers the package of the documents during several days or even a week.
- 2. Several experts will be engaged to perform the project (one expert will acquire and process information, the second one will analyze the market data, the third one will perform the required calculations, the fourth one will proceed with the execution of the report articles, and the fifth one will control the following process). It is possible to complete the project by a 3 to 5 man strength team within the shortest time but its work will increase the fee amount due 1.5- or 2-fold.
5. We will be pleased to answer all your questions. Please call us:
+7 (495) 639-93-78. Our managers will promptly advice you.
- Business valuation
- Valuation of investment projects
- Valuation of commercial real estate
- Disputing cadastral value
- Valuation of intangible assets and objects of intellectual property
- Valuation of plant and equipment
- Construction-and-technical expert examination
- Expert testimony in court
Last news
30 декабря 2023
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Наталья выступила с докладом "Базы стоимости, отличные от рыночной".
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Также Наталья в третий раз была избрана в состав Экспертный совет СРОО "ЭС".
Поздравляем Наталью и гордимся ее успехами и достижениями! Для команды ПГО честь работать вместе с таким профессионалом!!!
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С полным текстом спец выпуска можно ознакомиться на сайте Российской газеты.