Banks and mortgage companies
Our Firm offers partnership to the banks in valuation of the pledged items for the legal persons and in case of mortgage lending of the individuals. We adhere to the standards of Agency for Housing Mortgage Lending as we were approved by this authority as well as to the standards of other large banks.
Professional Group of Appraisal LLC provides the valuation services for the purposes of mortgage lending and mortgage deals from 2004. Our specialists performed over 1,000 reports about the valuation of the real estate properties for the clients in Moscow and the Moscow Region as well as in the Russian Federation.
The clients did not file any claims against us. We take pride in the quality of our services.
No claims are filed by our partners-banks against us as well as no reports were returned to us. We always oversee the quality of our reports.
To ensure the required quality level all valuation reports pass through certain control stages which form a quality control system of our Firm:
- Starting from the very moment of signing the valuation contract and up to the moment of signing the services acceptance certificate, a personal manager will ensure all-embracing support to the client and will keep the client informed about all details at each stage of the works. That is why our clients always are calm and confident.
- A visiting valuer will travel to the client’s site to perform inspection of the properties. This helps avoid even a tentative arrangement between the valuer and the client (borrower) or the seller. The valuer will gather the required materials, execute an inspection certificate and will shoot the subject properties. This process is strictly regulated by our standards thus allowing to avoid any blindspots.
- Market value calculations are performed by the certified valuer of the Firm. Many valuation firms prefer to outsource valuers which, we believe, considerably worsen the services level. In our Firm only regular valuers perform calculations pertaining to measurement of the market value.
- For the purposes of calculations only up-to-date computation models and verified information sources are used (for example, Winner subscription database);
- The valuer personally makes calls to all similar subject properties to identify all compliances with or deviations from the offer for sale.
- All calculations are subject to verification by the Department Head. This ensures control over mistakes, if any, besides, this guarantees that the calculations of the market value are independent and objective;
- The final version of the report also will be submitted to the Department Head who will pay close attention to description of the subject properties, market analysis, conclusions based on the analysis results, description of the comparables and substantiation of the adjustments made;
- Our Firm pays special attention to reconciliation of the documents related to the subject property ( BTI floor plan) and its actual physical condition. It is a common practice that the subject properties were altered or re-equipped. All these details after being identified will be described in the report. This stage is controlled by the consultant who has the higher education in construction.
Thus, where 5 specialists are involved in one and the same project, professionalism and unprecedented quality of our reports are guaranteed.
If you are interested in partnership with us, please contact with us via, and we will e-mail to you the models of our reports about the valuation of any type of real estate as well as other documents you may request from us. We are sure that the quality of our reports will please you. We will appreciate if we have a meeting with you.
Legal and consulting firms
Professional Group of Appraisal LLC will be happy to extend the partnership network. If your clients need valuation services we will appreciate if you recommend our Firm as a professional and reliable valuer.
To acquaint with the standard agency contract, please click here agency contract. Where we establish long-term partnership its terms may be changed for more favorable for you terms and conditions.
Often our clients also approach us for the related services. Therefore our partnership is mutually beneficial and will open new promising prospects both for you and for us.
If you are interested in establishing partnership relations with us please contact with us via We will be happy to appoint our meeting!
Прочим компаниям
ООО «Профессиональная Группа Оценки» стремится к увеличению партнерской сети, поэтому мы открыты для Ваших предложений.
Если Вы нацелены на партнерство с нами, пишите нам на электронный адрес Мы будем рады назначить встречу!
Last news
30 декабря 2023
12 октября 2023
Наталья Киршина, директор по развитию, методолог нашей компании приняла участие в работе Форума оценщиков и экспертов 12 - 13 октября 2023 в Екатеринбурге.
Наталья выступила с докладом "Базы стоимости, отличные от рыночной".
05 октября 2023
Cостоялось Годовое Общее собрание членов Ассоциации «Саморегулируемая организация оценщиков «Экспертный совет», на котором Наталья Киршина (директор по развитию ПГО, методолог) была отмечена благодарственным письмом за плодотворную работу по экспертизе отчетов по оценке и методическому обеспечению оценочной деятельности.
Также Наталья в третий раз была избрана в состав Экспертный совет СРОО "ЭС".
Поздравляем Наталью и гордимся ее успехами и достижениями! Для команды ПГО честь работать вместе с таким профессионалом!!!
14 сентября 2023
В Российской газете вышел специальный выпуск с рэнкингом делового потенциала оценочных компаний.
В отличие от рейтинга наиболее крупных компаний (ранжирование по выручке), тут учитывается целый ряд показателей работы компаний: масштаб, опыт, репутация. Компании присваивается балл, исходя из того, какая у нее выручка, сколько штатных оценщиков, какой у них опыт, какая у них квалификация, какой размер страхового покрытия ответственности, учитываются награды, победы в конкурсах и отборах.
Компания ООО "Профессиональная Группа Оценки" вот уже 7 лет уверенно входит в топ-20!
По итогам 2022 года мы заняли 16 место.
С полным текстом спец выпуска можно ознакомиться на сайте Российской газеты.